Trimble Earthworks for Excavators was the first aftermarket semi-automatic bucket and boom control system and gives your operation many competitive advantages so you can finish on-time and on-budget.

Trimble Earthworks for Excavators

With the Augmented Reality feature available in Trimble Earthworks for Excavators, operators can view 3D models in a real-world environment at a true-life scale, in the context of existing surroundings.

Augmented Reality simplifies complex concepts by allowing users to work faster and safer using a blend of digital content and real-world environments.

Trimble Earthworks for Excavators works with tilt automatics on engcon®, Rototilt®, and Steelwrist® attachments.

The system controls the boom and bucket of the excavator as well as the tilt angle of the attachment, while the operator controls the stick of the excavator and rotation of the tiltrotator.

Trimble Earthworks for Excavators has the option to display grade control and accurate payload data on one screen. Increase your mass haul productivity and efficiency by preventing underloading and improving safety by avoiding overloading. Track productivity with the optional Bluetooth® printer and web-based reporting



2D CONFIGURATION FOR HEIGHT AND SLOPE – Flexible starter solution for excavation, canal and trench construction, grading and profile work–the start of productivity.

3D SINGLE OR DUAL GNSS OR UTS CONFIGURATION – Powerful 3D control system to measure the exact position of the bucket for more complex grading and excavation tasks.

AUTOMATIC GUIDANCE – Available for a broad range of machine brands and models, the automatic system controls the hydraulics of the machine and achieves high precision in flat or inclined surfaces. With the benefits of automatic functionality, increase the productivity of your machine up to 40%.

How it works:
1. The excavator is placed in auto mode.
2. The operator controls the stick.
3. Trimble Earthworks controls the boom and bucket.
4. Stay on grade, reduce overcut and increase production.


The Core System from Trimble for excavators is the fundamental starting point for an effective solution for your excavator and project needs.

  • GS520 Sensor
  • TD5X0 Display
  • Camera (optional augmented reality view)
  • EC520 Electronica Controller
Core System
Automatics System


A comprehensive solution for implementing Trimble Earthworks for your excavator for streamlined and accurate projects.

  • GS520 Sensor
  • TD5X0 Display
  • Camera (optional augmented reality view)
  • EC520 Electronica Controller
  • MX9X6 GNSS Smart Antennas
  • SNRX3X On-machine Radio
  • VM510 Valve Module
  • SNM941 Connected Site Gateway


Comprehensive solution for excavators so your project can finish on-time and on-budget.

  • GS520 Sensor
  • TD5X0 Display
  • Camera (optional augmented reality view)
  • EC520 Electronica Controller
  • MX9X6 GNSS Smart Antennas
  • SNRX3X On-machine Radio
  • SNM941 Connected Site Gateway
Dual/Single GNSS Systems
Universal Total Station System


Top field technologies for Trimble Earthworks for Excavators with the highest level of accuracy.

  • GS520 Sensor
  • TD5X0 Display
  • Camera (optional augmented reality view)
  • EC520 Electronica Controller
  • MT900 Machine Target
  • SNRX3X On-machine Radio
  • SNM941 Connected Site Gateway


3D– Highway Construction – Mass Excavation – Land reclamation – Dam and reservoir construction – New infrastructure projects – Landfills and waste deposits Single GNSSMeasures the position of the bucket and compares that to design data for rough grading and mass excavation on complex design surfaces
Dual GNSSMeasures the exact position and heading of the bucket for rough grading and mass excavation on steep slopes and complex design surfaces
Universal Total Station (UTS)Total station based system for extreme accuracy for lift and layer control, material monitoring, or where GNSS is not the ideal solution because of overhead obstructions
2D– Residential and commercial sites – Road construction – Trenches – Ditches – Finished slope work – Dredging and waterways – Digging footers and basementsDepth, Slope and Elevation ControlHighly flexible system for excavation, trenching, grading and profile work
Depth and Slope with Bench ReferenceSimply enter the desired depth and slope, or bench using your bucket. The system will provide guidance to a depth or slope based on distance from a known point or “bench” on the ground.
Laser ReferenceA rotating grade laser provides a reference plane across the job site.
Laser Reference with HeadingThe excavator can be rotated without the need to re-enter the desired depth and slope to maintain consistent accuracy.
Depth and Slope with GNSSKeep the easy to use Depth and Slope or Bench and Go workflows, and leverage GNSS to move around the site without having to use touch points or laser reference to carry your elevation. Rotate and maintain constant slopes as the GNSS also provides heading.

Reach out & lets talk!

Fill out the form below and we’ll be in contact, or reach out directly on 1800 748 324